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SpectreFi fork/Goose fork with Anti Bot BlackList system

✅ Max 0% deposit fees

✅ Max 4% Performance fee (pfee - exchanges all funds to usdc and sends all 4% commission to the fee wallet)

✅ Does support deflationary token pools

✅ Timelock added (delay → 21600, 6 hours; 3600 = 1 hour)

✅ The owner of the token is renounce, so the devs will not be able to mint new tokens and dump the price!

✅ LP burned (tx)

⚠️ There is a risk of being in BL if you hold more than 5% (responsible for this command - token operator address)

• Maximum Supply 43,000

• Total Minted - 1,600

• Total Supply - 1,600

• maxHoldingRate 5% of Total Supply

• 10% of emissions sent to admin address

• Emission Rate works in seconds, not blocks

• New NTLY/second 0,008

• CoinGecko - PENDING (according to @devs)

• CoinMarketCap - PENDING (according to @devs)

• Audit - NO

• No Migrator Code

• no referral

Website Calendar JaGo Daily