Paid promotion. Always DYOR and use risk management

KYC: Project owner has KYC’d to us! Dev has fulfilled all our needs and now has Low Risk!

(LOW RISK does not guarantee the loss of funds or that the project will not scam you! Always DYOR!)

Tomb fork, 2omb clone

✅ Max 1% deposit fees in genesis pools

✅ No Transfer Tax

✅ The owner of the JELLY token is renounce

✅ The owner of the JAM token is renounce

✅ JELLY operator - Treasury CA (0x0D..Ca0d)

✅ JAM operator - Treasury CA (0x0D..Ca0d)

✅ JellyGenesisRewardPool operator - 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 address

• Boardroom will lock JAM for 6 epochs and JELLY rewards for 3 epochs

• The genesis pools will distribute 20,000 JELLY

• JAM is the shares token; with 59,500 total supply

• Epoch duration: 6 hours

• Genesis is running for 1 day

• 59,500 JAM to staking pools distributed over 6 months

• rewardPoolDistributed - (JELLY CA Address) true

• rewardPoolDistributed - (JAM CA Address) true

• WhatTheFork - YES

• CoinGecko - PENDING (according to @devs)

• CoinMarketCap - PENDING (according to @devs)


• Audit - NO

What happens if the project will scam us? Team will release KYC info to police & government authorities, NOT PUBLIC! From today onwards We issue to KYC projects which: drop us passport photo (on both sides) video of the person showing the passport, data and location!

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