Paid promotion. Always DYOR and use risk management

Tomb fork, 2omb clone, DYOR!

✅ Max 1% deposit fees in genesis pools

✅ The owner of the ELF token is renounce

✅ The owner of the GIFT token is renounce

✅ The owner of the EBOND token is renounce

✅ ELF operator - Treasury CA (0x12..7f63)

✅ GIFT operator - Treasury CA (0x12..7f63)

✅ GenesisPool operator - 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 address

⚠️ GiftRewardPool operator - 0x9294b95b014c32a3a92db2f11c56486b74b0189c address

• Boardroom will lock GIFT for 6 epochs and ELF rewards for 3 epochs

• The genesis pools will distribute 25,000 ELF during 2 days

• Farm pools will distribute 9,500 GIFT during 370 days

• Epoch duration: 6 hours

• GIFT has a maximum total supply of 9,500 tokens and is distributed as follows over 12 months

• rewardPoolDistributed - (ELF Address) true

• rewardPoolDistributed - (GIFT Address) true

• WhatTheFork - YES

• CoinGecko - PENDING (according to @devs)

• CoinMarketCap - PENDING (according to @devs)

• KYC - NO

• Audit - NO

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